How to write seo friendly content

How to write seo friendly content

There are some tips for writing seo friendly article 

👉Also read: What is seo

What is SEO Friendly content ?

SEO-friendly content is the type of content that’s created in a way that helps the search engines rank it high. 

1)Use headlines and sub-headers 
 First, it makes your writing skimmable and therefore easier to read for your readers. People are more likely to share things that are easy to read.
2)Give a a structure for your post
To write a readable and SEO-friendly blog post, you need to create a clear structure. This means that every post should have:
  • some sort of introduction (in which you introduce your topic).
  • a body (in which the main message is written).
  • a conclusion (in which you summarize the main ideas or draw a conclusion).  
3)Add link to previous content/post
  • One of the ways search engines rank content is by the number of backlinks they get.
  • Good content tends to get a lot of backlinks – both external and internal.
  • If you want to drive traffic and rank your older content higher, then you can’t forget to link to them from your newer posts.
4)Optimize the length of your article
Make sure your blog posts have a minimum of 300 words but keep the length of your article balanced. And remember to keep using your focus keyphrase throughout your text to make sure you end up with an SEO-friendly blog post!

5) Make content shareable
The next step is to make your post shareable. Websites like ShareThis and AddThis make it easy to add social media buttons to your website so people can share the content easily.
6)Write high quality content and optimize your image 
The best way to get people to read and engage with your content is to write content that is useful and entertaining. you have a strong idea in mind for how you’d like to write and format your content, consider using some of the following tools to simplify and improve the writing process.
                    Images are essential to making your content interesting and shareable. People are far more likely to purchase from a company whose website has attractive and relevant photos.You can optimize the photos by adding keywords to the image files and providing the ALT tags.

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